East Wake Academy Boosters GO EAGLES!
Meeting Minutes.
7.0 years ago
Booster Club Meeting Minutes October 27, 2014 In attendance: Steve Page Coach Bystricky Joy Fournier Diane Lind Ali Sprouse Amy Puryear Turner Wendy Nipper Treasurers Report was not available as Vicki Tobin was not present. November 3 14, Cookie Dough Fundraiser - Delivery (date change)December 18 1. All Booster Members will be needed to count money November 14 & 17 2. Main Event material to be sent for final print by CandyMan for Cookie Dough Kickoff on November 3 a. Two separate packets to be prepared. i. Elementary to include why sponsor Boosters ii. MS & HS to have page detailing items Boosters have purchased and explain Day Social is NOT Main Event 1. Daytime dance party for middle/high school with ice cream treats b. 3 potential dates for Main Event and Day Social i. Wednesday, January 14 or 28 and Thurs., January 29 c. Activity Forms i. Main Event ii. Kickoff iii. Conference room to count $$$, Nov. 14 and 17 iv. CHANGE Delivery date from Dec. 19 to Dec 18 d. Emails i. Teachers - announcement of Cookie Dough and details ii. Families announcing start of Cookie Dough and that it is a school wide event Dress Down Day is November 20 1. Volunteer schedule to sell DDD passes: a. Monday, Nov. 17 - Amy and Diane b. Tuesday, Nov. 18 Diane and Amy c. Wedday, Nov. 19 Ali and Steve i. Volunteers have to be at school by 7:30. One volunteer in MS and one in the HS to sell passes ii. Pick up envelopes from elementary (Amanda Boykin) and middle school (Leslie Perry) iii. Give money packets to board member for storage 2. Ask for BIGTeams alert message for Nov. 20 Dress Down Day. Pink Night in January: date set for January 9. We were approached with a request for help with cheerleading uniforms. There are 29 girls on 2 squads. Uniforms cost about $113 a piece. We talked about offering an EWA Night Out to the cheerleading squads to help defray uniform costs. Even though we did just purchase new mats for the cheerleaders, we would like to help them with their uniform costs. Long Term Goal: It was asked if we would be open to establishing the purchase of a bus as a long-term goal. We will revisit this again. Amy has connections if/when the time comes for a bus purchase. Tax I.D. The process for establishing our own tax i.d. has been started. Respectfully submitted, Diane Lind, Secretary EWA Booster Club
7.0 years ago
October 9, 2014 EWA Booster minutes In attendance: Ali Sprouse, Stephanie Stafford, Amy Turner, and Joy Fournier. No Treasure report but will update. No money has been spent so our financial record should be the same as last meeting. Agenda for tonight's meeting contained information about our up coming color run. Steve is mapping out the course. Wendell park has mowed new paths and the trail was marked with paint but some areas were faded or mowed over. Volunteers will meet at at 6:30 am for set up. We were wondering if Wendy could handle another blast with flyers distributed throughout the grade levels for take home and ask our parents for water donations. We were also hoping that Wendy could set up another ROBO blast. Joy will check with Mr. Gay about advertisement during carpool at the marquee with HS honor students and the eagle supervised by Amy Turner. The group also discussed t-shirt ordering, medals and trophies. T-shirt quantity will determine by price but our range will be 50. We also discussed advertising on FB and Craigslist. If people emailed us we would honor our early bird price. The group also agreed to pay 250.00 for the iPad mini. We are hoping to gain an increase in concession and gate profits. Money spent on this item funds a collage scholarship program. If the item does not fit our needs we could donated to a after school coach. Cheerleaders requested new cheer mates, 3 @700.00 each. We agreed to buy 1 for this year, possibly 2 and would complete their order by next year. We also agreed that a pizza warmer would complete our needs this year for concession purchases and since BB is our biggest money maker it makes since to get the tools we need